Crafting Innovative Solutions In The Shipping And Logistics Field With ASL: Capt. Pappu Sastry
We recently had the privilege of interviewing Capt. Pappu Sastry, CEO of Adhira Shipping and Logistics . Capt. Sastry’s innovative solutions to traditional shipping issues have earned him recognition in several sectors and led him to become the only CCEO in Shipping, a certification awarded after extensive involvement with the CEO Institute in Australia. Capt. Sastry sits on the board of several publicly listed entities and serves on the advisory boards of mining companies and private equity funds. He is also an ardent speaker at various shipping and non-shipping conferences, addressing topics ranging from commodities and trade to Africa and critical minerals. In this insightful interview, he shares his career path, visions for the company, innovative ideas for the industry, and valuable suggestions for aspiring professionals in his field. The Beginning We started the interview by asking, “How did you get started, and what led you to where you are today?” Capt. Pappu Sastry...